This is an untitled piece by Max Ernst. To create this piece, Ernst used photo montage to pieced together photographs that he found of a bi-plane and arms in the sky. He also placed the group of men on the ground. Ernst also drew in the horizon and the ground with pencil. It also looks like Ernst colored in the men and the arms.

This piece is a poster and a work of art in the same space. First, it is a poster for the Dada Early Spring show. But it is also an example of Dada work. It is typography. It looks straight forwad at first glance. It tells you Dada Triumph and about the show, but then there are random little pictures down the side. There is a cow, and other animals, a random word, a huge exclamation mark, and a woman makeing cheese and saying something. Then, in the seal at the top, there are t's and exclamation marks and parentheses and a u. These random pictures form a haron to me, but i doubt that was the intention of the artist. This peice leaves me wondering what "Weshalb bin ich nicht dieser mutige Vogel?" means.
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