Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Radio Play

I listened to John Lennon's Radio Play. It was interesting, but I wasn't fond of it. I kept trying to make the sounds more then what they where. The piece is simply John Lennon flipping the radio on and off while he's talking on the phone. With that in mind, the piece has a feeling of waiting for something, but I was just waiting for the end. It is simply static and brief bits of song coming through. The sounds sound like they're a simple melody at first, but if there is a real pattern, I can't find it. I found myself trying to focus on background conversation. Knowing that it was John Lennon talking, I'm curious to know what he was saying. Oh well.
Towards the end, the the static beats sounded like marching and the sound beats sounded like a guitar string being plucked, which is what I found interesting in this piece, though I know it was not the intent.

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