Wednesday, January 31, 2007

First Audio Project

Just Laugh
This is the first audio project that I made for class. I messed around with the laughter until it sounded like a crowd laughing around me. And the baby's laughter just made me laugh every time I heard it. There is no real rhyme or reason behind this, except for the emotions.
In my project i used sounds from The Free Sound Project. These are the sounds:
By hanstimm
By acclivity
By cognito perceptu
bell crowd laughter.wav
By andriala
child laughing.wav

Proposed Journey

My Idea is a walk through a city from a club or a cafe, some night spot, back home.
The actual idea is to start with the club. I'm not sure how I'm going to create this club, but i will. Then have walking. This will be a constant until the person gets to their apartment. Then, every few steps their will be a different sound. Some will be close, others will be far away. I want to include noises like an ambulance, a couple fighting, cars, and my own shoes on the pavement. I can get a couple of sounds off of Free noise. The things I need to record are the sounds of my heels on a floor, a door closing, Keys in a door, a couple fighting, and my own voice.
I want this project to sound a little futuristic, But not totally unfamiliar, like it's set in the near future. To do this, I'm planning on using the doors in the practice rooms for the doors, and beeps for the front of the apartment building.
I also want it to have the ambiance of a half deserted city street late at night. To acheeve this, I'm spacing the noises out and want to use a sax piece i found on free sound, if I'm allowed.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Radio Play

I listened to John Lennon's Radio Play. It was interesting, but I wasn't fond of it. I kept trying to make the sounds more then what they where. The piece is simply John Lennon flipping the radio on and off while he's talking on the phone. With that in mind, the piece has a feeling of waiting for something, but I was just waiting for the end. It is simply static and brief bits of song coming through. The sounds sound like they're a simple melody at first, but if there is a real pattern, I can't find it. I found myself trying to focus on background conversation. Knowing that it was John Lennon talking, I'm curious to know what he was saying. Oh well.
Towards the end, the the static beats sounded like marching and the sound beats sounded like a guitar string being plucked, which is what I found interesting in this piece, though I know it was not the intent.

Monday, January 22, 2007

The project that caught my eye in the reading was Cutting by Alex Bag and Candice Breitz. The reason that I found it interesting was because of the similarity I thought it had with Lev Kuleshov and his experiments with film, particularly the famous Kuleshov Experiment.
The research that I did on Alex bag lead me to a review of an installation of his in New York and a still of a video.

My question is, is Post production art the same as Postmodern art? Or is it different because Postmodern seems to deal with the appropriating symbols as well as material?

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A Tale of Two Projects

I've found two projects that I like. One is called eRiceCooker.
Here is my blog.